Thursday, December 4, 2008

Can I have Senior-itis yet?

I have 6 classes until I'm done with my degree. 6. Thats it. All that is left is 6 classes. And I'm excited. The problem? It'll probably take another year to finish them all. Because I'm in a new program that went online only a little while ago (I am literally in the pilot program), I'm waiting for them to put classes online. I'm subject to their ability to put the exact classes up that I need. I'm guaranteed two classes this spring but after that, who knows if they'll get the exact 4 classes up that I need? I wish I could take three classes at a time. That would be sweet.
If I were on campus with no family, I could probably whip this out in one semester. It would be really stressful but I'm sure I could manage it. I've had worse. But online with a husband who tells me he wants to eat and have clean clothes as well as a baby? Forgetaboutit. So I have senioritis and another year to go. Sigh.
So, for pictures... Here we have Emmaline 'diving' into her books. She actually was trying to stand up inside the shelf at one point, but I couldn't snap the picture fast enough. :(
I love seeing her enjoy her books. Okay, so she isn't actually reading them here but I took out all her favorite books- who can blame her for wanting to crawl on them instead of reading them?
This final picture is just 'classic Emmaline'. This is a scarf that I bought for my mom's birthday party a few months ago and Emmaline just took to it like duck to water. She knows how to put it around her neck and she'll strut around the house with her chest pushed out and the biggest grin on her face. We love watching her grow up and learn things.
I'm sure all moms out there understand exactly what I'm saying. Emmaline has been such a blessing in my life (and her dad's too) and we would not be nearly as happy without her. We thank God every day that he blessed us with such a wonderful daughter.
Even when she isn't taking naps. Like right now.

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