Wednesday, October 14, 2009


I had my ultrasound this evening. I was really hoping I could download the pictures or video off the DVD but I'm not being able to figure out how to do it. :( The baby's heart beat was 162-164 and was measured to be due April 29- so a few days older than the due date my LMP gave, May 2. The baby was wiggling around, which was fun, but not nearly as much wiggling as what I remember Emmaline doing. Thats okay, a less active child is just fine on my end. Lol. The doctor went on a big speal about all the possible birth defects and all the potential tests that I could take to check for them. I sort of tuned him out because I don't really care. If my baby is going to have a birth defect I'll deal with it but I'm not going to go take every test available just to learn that my baby may have a defect. Not my kind of fun pregnancy experience. I was scheduled for a 3 hour blood test for GD- my 1 hour numbers were significantly lower than I expected but still high enough for concern. Other than that though there really wasn't any concern during the appointment. Yeah! I'm having a baby! And I did get a DVD so I'm excited to take that with me for Matt to see! (Only 6 more days until I see him!)

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