Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Tomorrow is the first day of October and I have to say I'm shocked its already this late in the season. Summer seemed to fly right passed and now fall is melting into Winter-like weather. Soon it'll be too cold to leave the door open all day, too cold to run down the street to get my mail without a jacket, too cold to go to the park without worrying about runny noses. A few updates: Emmaline is doing really well potty training. I decided I took the wrong tactic the first go around and was too in-your-face with it. I backed off and pretty much let her lead and tell me when she needs to go. We've only had one accident all week! She keeps her diapers dry 2 out of 3 nights and rarely wets during naps now. We've even tried going out and about to Walmart, church and my parents house without having accidents. I'm so proud of her. Unfortunately it still takes a lot of time and energy on my end because she can't reach the sink or pull her pants back on by herself. Hopefully that'll all be happening soon. Or I could get a taller stool. Matt has only 3 weeks left of Basic Training before moving onto his job training. I'll be getting a new letter from him tomorrow (if all goes well) so check his blog (link to the right) to read all about what he has to say. As of last week he actually sounded really good and pretty cheerful. I am trying my best to get a doctors appointment for this baby...that is proving more difficult than I ever imagined because of a paperwork delay on Matt's end. At this point I'll probably be in the second trimester before I ever get an appointment- that makes me sad. Or if I'm lucky I'll figure out a way to squeeze it in before I leave to see Matt. Otherwise I'll just continue to deal with the nausea and exhaustion that comes with the territory. And I'm thinking of names...but until I can talk to Matt about them its all just up in the air. I hope everyone is having a good fall, having reaped all their harvests (literal and figurative I guess) and looking forward to Christmas. Thats right, time to start thinking about Christmas presents. *Usborne plug: I'm starting some book parties this month to get people ready for Christmas. Let me know if you want to order anything or see a catalogue. They are great for infants- preteen and great to give to your own kids or as family gifts. Let me know!*

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