Thursday, September 3, 2009

Exahausted and Emotional

I seem to be going on a pattern of one day having tons of energy and the next being totally exhausted. Today is an exhausted day. Yesterday I played outside all morning with Emmaline then took her to the park in the afternoon and the library after that. I got a lot done. Today though I've been tired and sore. The past two weeks have been exhasuting emotionally. Matt and I were both estatic with the news of getting pregnant but the emotions of both being pregnant and Matt being gone are quite overwhelming. Today I got a picture of Matt through email and oddly enough I couldn't stop crying about it. I was happy but so emotional that seeing him was making me cry. I have to blame most of these emotions on being pregnant.

1 comment:

Crystal and Billy said...

Hang in there, Britta! It's gotta be tough, but thank goodness its temporary. Post pictures; we'd love to see him, too!