Monday, March 2, 2009

Matt's on Vacation!

Well, for today at least. Matt got let go from his job on Friday. His boss told him that they just couldn't afford to keep paying him. It makes sense since he worked for a real estate company and real estate is what is being hit the worst. But its still sad. We were both wishing they had at least given him a few weeks notice so we could start looking for something else. They paid him for his last day of vacation (today) as well as the full day on Friday although they sent him home early. Matt did start looking for something else right away but we aren't sure we want him to go get a job. Here's the thing (and nothing is set in stone). We really want him to get his pilot's licence. If we can get a pilots licence before he goes back to work, we can get it 10 times faster and he can go straight into a pilot type job instead of all these minimum wage, time consuming things. No worries though because we do have a good chunk of money in the bank so we won't starve for a few months. :)

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