Sunday, March 8, 2009

Today is a Memorable Day

Matt finally watched a Horror movie with me! He is such a sucker. He tells me constantly that he can't watch some movie or another because his stomach starts hurting and he gets sick blah blah blah. And I so think he needs to get over himself. Besides, a girl needs a horror movie buddy that she can cuddle with, right? So I told him we were going to watch a movie and made him pinky promise that he wouldn't get up off the couch until the movie was over. Then I started it and he got all whiny on me. But every 10 minutes or so I asked him how he was doing and he was fine the full hour and fourty minutes of it. Now, he did say it was a waste of time but he sat through it! Also, not to make him look even worse but this was a very light horror movie. It wasn't Ring or the Grudge, or any of those yucky movies with creepy looking people that makes me actually run and jump on my bed when the lights are out for fear of what lurks beneath. But it still had some jumpy moments and some scary music at times. It was definately classified as Horror. So, a day to remember. Knowing that he can get through this movie, I may be able to convince him to watch other ones with me. Before long, he may be hooked!


Rucinski Family said...

which movie was it?

Laura said...

Yeah, I want to know, too! What did you watch?

Britta said...

We saw The Wickerman. I didn't want to label it because it may make Matt look even wimpier that he gets freaked out by even that. But since you asked...