Wednesday, February 25, 2009


I hate when art projects don't go as expected. I signed up to write an article for a magazine at school that wanted an idea for something cheap and original. I remembered seeing a mural on Extreme Home Makeover that I really liked and thought I could duplicate it. After searching everywhere online I couldn't find any mention of it nor anything that looked remotely similar to it. So I had to go at it alone. The idea is to use old books to create a mural. Use books you have at home or buy some at the thrift store, whatever. Then make them into cool patterns, weave ribbons, flowers, construction paper, whatever, through the mural and wa-la! You have an awesome, personal piece of artwork that recycles old stuff and is relatively inexpensive. I tried it and I was so excited but it didn't turn out like I wanted it to. I don't know if I just didn't have enough books or if I didn't get the right colors or something but it did not look at all like I remembered on the show. And to add to the disappointment, I can't actually see putting it up on my wall. That was the big thing, I wanted to actually use it when I was done. So I wrote the article and I'm sending in pictures but I wasn't happy. Sad. Anyway, you can judge for yourself. I know that the idea is great and maybe I just need to try it again. Find some different (or normal) colored books and just start over. But I don't have justification to spend that time or money anymore so it may take a while longer to get back to it.

1 comment:

Katie said...

Are those all glued together? I think it looks pretty cool, but if you aren't satisfied you could always try different arrangements of the books. I noticed a lot of your bright colors were next to each other. You could maybe try just arranging the colors differently. I like the idea a lot though. Glad I found your blog. (p.s. this is Katie Rasmussen. Don't know if you knew my married name.)