Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Matt has a job! After this whole, long, agonizing wait, he finally got his job! Our goal was to get him into a flight or mechanical position and we get our wish. He'll go under the Mechanical Aptitude rather than with a specific job. It comes with its drawbacks but it also has its benifits. Pros: Because he has such a high ASVAB score he'll be given a top choice in all the available jobs rather than waiting for a call to come in for something specific now... Also, he leaves August 25! which gets us a paycheck sooner and insurance and gets this whole annoying wait over sooner! Cons: I have no clue where he is going to be for job training nor how long his training will take. I'm quite the planner and not knowing is difficult but now I know for sure that I'll know within a few months... Things are getting started! We have complete faith that the Lord is placing him exactly where he needs to be. A lot of prayers have gone into this, a lot of faith and many more tears than should have. We are both so greatful for all the support we've had from our families during this process. As soon as we know anything more I'll post again. And throughout the process of training I'll post as much of Matt's letters and phone conversations as I can. And his address! I'm sure he'll love getting a lot of letters regardless of how many pushups he has to do!

1 comment:

Rucinski Family said...

yay! how exciting! :)
Mikey already got a couple job offers.. but he wasn't too interested.. and plus we want to be here for our friends wedding that Mikey is apart of.