Friday, July 27, 2012

Seeing God's hand in our lives...

If you are coming here for an update in Thaddeus, scroll down to the previous post first. While talking to my dad this morning, he pointed out a few things that prove how much the Lord is watching out for my family. Where I had thought about it, I didn't really put it all together. So I want to here. Matt went to Korea two and a half years ago. It was really hard on our family. But him going to Korea provided the opportunity for us to come here to Guam. It was a crazy impulse we had to come here, but nowhere else we thought about even seemed appealing. But within 9 months we were adopting Ganriella. At first we felt that being in Guam was a hinderance to the adoption, but after only a few months I felt impressed that it was important for us to move the adoption to Guam. Moving the adoption here was easy. We found the right lawyer, the paperwork flowed smoothly and before we even knew it was over, we had full legal custody of our daughter. It could not have, would not have worked that well had we been in Missouri. To think that the adoption was finalized only 7 days before I left the island... I really feel like God had a hand in it all along. Now that Thaddeus needs the help he does, I feel confident our time in Guam is over and I just hope we did all we were supposed to do there. And I also feel that wherever we are sent will be exactly where God needs us to be.

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