1. Probly- the word is actually proBAbly
2. I could care less- the phrase is actually I couldN'T care less. If you could care less, we wouldn't be having this conversation now would we?
3. Samwich- the word is actually sanDwich. It is pronounced with the D.
4. Nother- although this word is actually in the dictionary to be used in the phrase 'a whole nother', its slang and should be 'other'. Try it and you'll sound so much more sophisticated.
I'll have to add to them as I think of more. It was surprisingly difficult to remember what they were. Before dictionaries were created language changed rapidly and from region to region because of trade, migration, colonization- etc. Since the invention of dictionaries the language has practically stayed the same for the past 200 years. Thats a feat we should be proud of. But the more slang enters our language and the more we let it stick around- the faster our language is going to change. If you thought it was hard to teach your kids all the tricks to reading and spelling, wait until slang takes over! Then your grandkids will be ripping out their hair trying to keep all their exceptions to the rules straight.
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