Monday, April 19, 2010


Okay, so every once in a while it hits me...BAM! I'm pregnant. And that means I'm going to have a baby. And then it hits me again... BAM! I'm actually going to have a baby really really soon. Part of me wonders if its going to feel like Matt came, brought a baby with him and then he'll take the baby back when he goes. Wow...its going to be interesting. I'm going to have another baby in the house. On a different note. I've been working on studying for finals. I finally decided to get someone to watch Emmaline each day this week so that I can study uninturrupted. (Imagine a whiny, clingy toddler wanting to sit on my lap every time I open my book- I hardly have a lap! I can't barely reach the computer let alone actually type anything!) So I have a few different friends watching her this week in the morning then she'll come home to take a nap and I'll have, I hope, about 4 hours every day to concentrate solely on my homework! Boy, I'll be glad when this is all over on Friday! But! I'm planning on celebrating with cake, going out to lunch and getting my very first pedicure. I'll take pictures of the pedicure because I'm so excited about it. So, just pray for me to keep my sanity and actually learn what I need to this week to be ready for my finals!

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