Sunday, November 22, 2009

Life as it is

Life has been somewhat chaotic lately. I've gone to visit Matt once and I'm going to visit him again next week. I'm tired enough from the pregnancy that its hard to keep up with cleaning the house and taking care of all the other stuff that needs to be done. Well, I blame it all on the pregnancy but mostly its emotions thats making me tired. Emmaline is coping rather well although we are having to deal with a bit of hitting. She isn't exactly hurting anyone when she hits but she is trying to express her emotions by hitting rather than something else. I hope this is a short phase. She is learning more and more every day and its crazy to hear some of the things she says. She picks up on my words so quickly that I really feel like I have to monitor what I'm saying more these days. Matt is enjoying school. He is finally getting to start hands-on work this week which he is really excited for. Next week he'll actually get to watch some explosives being set off. I'm sure its completely safe and all the guys'll be cheering at each blast. The ultrasound for our baby is set for December 21- and Matt gets to be home for it! We are going to find out the gender and tell family and friends on Christmas day. My mom isn't so excited about waiting a few days but I think it'll be fun to have that sort of surprise. I'll keeep everyone updated, of course. It'll be exciting to find out about the gender...we already have a pretty good idea of what names we'd like to use too. Only 5 more months!

1 comment:

Crystal and Billy said...

Congrats! I'm glad Matt can be home for the ultrasound and for Christmas. Wahoo!