Wednesday, July 29, 2009

First day of Vacation

All in all, the trip went really well. The night before we left I didn't sleep well at all so I was really worried. But we got up on time, got into the car and drove straight to the airport with no problems. I was a little worried getting through security but other than going slowly, there weren't any problems there either. There were even a few people who offered to help put luggage on the belt and such. It was nice. Getting onto the plane was interesting. The breezeway wasn't attached to the plane so we had to go down a flight of stairs (someone was nice enough to help me there too) and out on the pavement to climb up the stairs on the plane. Definitely a different experience. The oddest thing was that my carry-on bag didn't fit in the overhead bin. Unfortunately there was already a non-ending stream of people behind me and I couldn't do anything but sit there with my huge bag on my lap. I ended up talking to a flight attendant who tried smashing my bag in the overhead bin (it still didn't go). They told me they were going to gate check it (thank goodness, I avoided the ridiculous $15 charge) but after the flight I found out that my bag actually rode with the flight attendants because they didn't have time to check it. Hmm. Anyway. The flight was great. Emmaline wouldn't sleep and she didn't want to play with the toys I brought for her but she ate a lot. There was a great lady sitting next to me that really enjoyed Emmaline. She even ended up giving Emmaline her travel pillow. I was greatful that I didn't end up having some grumpy old man who hated kids next to me. That would have been difficult. We arrived in Utah right on time and went to Discovery Gateway. Its sort of a kids museum where kids play with a ton of different things. Emmaline and Jane really enjoyed the small house and the water play area. We headed over to Subway (where I ended up spilling a glass of water because I was tired). Emmaline and I were really tired so we headed to Laura's house next. It was about an hour and a half drive and Emmaline fell asleep immediately while I enjoyed catching up with Laura and seeing Jane. Today we went to the Park for Carolyn's birthday party (my niece). I haven't seen my nieces and nephew for a few months. Carolyn has gotten taller and is talking a lot! Andrew is walking like a champ and Julia has gotten so much taller. It was so good to get hugs from them all. Now we are chillin', enjoying watching t.v., sleeping and talking. Its nice not to be running here and there and be busy all the time. This upcoming Saturday I get to go to a family reunion. Maybe I'll pretend to be related to someone. :)

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