Tuesday, July 13, 2010

I bought myself a birthday present

So I was at Walmart today doing my normal shopping. No, thats not true, I was doing more than normal shopping. I was also buying all the stuff I need for my birthday party this weekend. And I came across my birthday present. I've been complaining about wanting a new one for a while because every time I use the old one the batteries run out in about an hour. Expensive batteries for not much use. So when I saw it just sitting there- at a whopping 75$ off... I couldn't help myself. I bought a new camera. I haven't used it yet. In fact, its still sitting in the package because I'm scared to get into it then decide that I spent way too much and want to take it back. So I'm allowing myself to have a few days to think about it to make sure that buyer's remorse doesn't set in. Besides that, I think I have to get a new memory card...I wonder if the one from my old camera would work with it? But when I start using it, I'll put up more pictures. I'll have a full battery to take pictures with! Yeah for birthdays to justify last minute, expensive, purchases!

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