Wednesday, January 7, 2009

One of those days

I got up this morning totally ready and excited to get going. School starts today, I still have things to unpack, I'm going to see my family for the first time in a week...a good day. But then I actually started writing down all the things I had to get done and I'm in a slump. I have so much homework already that I wanna just go sleep. I did get several things crossed off my list though, just none of them was homework. Now I'm procrastinating by writing about everything I have to get done. Productive huh. Well, the end of the vaca went well. Emmaline had a harder time on the final flight and was SCREAMING very loudly. She wasn't interested in any of the toys I had and she wouldn't lay down and sleep. She finally discovered a little girl was sitting in the seat behind us and stood on my shoulder watching them. I don't care if they were bothered (they weren't) I was just glad she had stopped screaming. Eventually the girl's mom asked if she could give Emmaline some little plastic lizards her daughter was playing with and that kept Emmaline occupied for the remainder of the flight. Emmaline was so tired that she went down for a nap when we got home around 3, woke up at 5:45, had dinner and was back in bed by 630. She then slept until nearly 730 this morning. Poor child. Vacations must be hard when you are only 15 months.

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