On Sunday, our adventure continued with our baby girl turning 2 years old!!!
Memory Lane:
When I was pregnant with Lottie, Matt was in Korea. She wasn't really a kicker, she was a 'roller'. I'd feel her but her movements were so subtile that sometimes I'd worry about her. Matt was able to come home for her birth, which was perfect. I ended up being induced 4 days after her due date but the pitocin really only jump started my labor and they turned it off because my body picked it up on its on. My water broke and I remembered with Emmaline that I'd only had about 4 hours left until she was born so I elected not to have an epidural (horrible backache after the one with Emmaline!). She was born mid morning and had a bruise on her forehead. Sorta made her look funny but she was so beautiful anyway. We went home as soon as we could to spend time with just family and we figured out that she is definately a child with an attitude. Any dirty diaper was fussed at, any time she was hungry we had .5 seconds to get her fed. But she turned out to be the cuddliest baby ever and I think that completely compensates for all the stress :)
I thought and thought and thought about having a big bash for her but when push came to shove, thats all I did- think about it. I didn't actually get around to planning anything. So we had a quaint little family party at home.
This is Lottie coming down the hall to see the room decorated after her nap time. She was so excited for her hat and kept asking for it to be replaced when it fell off!
Opening presents!
She got a My Little Pony train and train car! That thing seriously kept the girls occupied for an hour this morning. Jackpot!!
Time for cupcakes! I thought it was funny that we just happened to have strawberry cupcakes for both her first and her second birthdays. It was mostly a coincidence...
Happy Birthday my beautiful baby girl!!
Happy birthday again to Lottie!
It occurs to me that I've never seen pictures of your house...well, I have, but I don't remember it at all except your Christmas tree.
It looks like you had a great week!
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