Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Contents of my Fridge

I'm so out of habit in not only making a menu but in shopping as well. Becuase Matt is gone it feels like there isn't any reason to make a meal every evening, especially because Emmaline will refuse to eat and sometimes, I just don't feel like I'm worth the time and effort I'd have to put in. Yesterday I knew we were out of food so I went shopping. This is a before shot of the fridge, water, a few apples, a few peaches, two slices of bread, a dozen eggs, a few pounds of cheese, a few yogurts, sour cream, and of course, the condiments. This is my fridge after shopping: Yeah, all I added was grapes and a gallon of milk. We still pretty much don't have anything to eat! Its not that I don't have the money to buy food, its not that I have never been taught, its just that I've completely forgotten! When Matt is able to live with us again its going to be completely different. I'll have to relearn how to be a wife and a home maker again! I keep trying to make a menu but I can't for the life of me even REMEMBER what we used to eat. My staples these days are chicken, fish and burritos. And you can only have so much of that before you decide its just better to not eat at all!

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