Monday, October 20, 2008

Day 1

So. I'm trying this blog thing out. Several people keep saying that I should and my retort is that I'm too busy. I finally figured that if I write about how busy I am, people may actually pity me. A normal week: I have 4 classes- three online and one on campus. Two of them are 300s level courses, writing and history. The other two are 200s level courses- creative writing and ceramics. Depending on how fast I read or write my papers, I can spend anywhere from 4-12 hours a day on my homework. I have a home business- I sell books. So far I haven't done much but it still takes about two hours a week following up with people, getting orders or just plain talking about how much fun it is! I work out three times a week. Have you heard of Curves? I think its an amazing gym. Not only do I get to work out but I get to talk to people who actually care about what is going on in my life. You know what? I don't think I've ever seen as many over weight women in any other gym ever. I think this place is amazing because it makes the people who need it, feel comfortable. I also have a one year old daughter, a beautiful blue eyed- red, curly haired daughter. She is transitioning from walking to running and now has bumps and bruises all over her pretty little head. Although she does still sleep a lot, when she is up, she wants all my attention! I babysit for my 2 neices and 1 nephew at least once a week. My sister is in school so I take them so she can go to meetings, do homework or shop. Its fun, but I have a small house and so it gets chaotic. I also help plan activities for my church and that takes a few hours a week with talking, planning and organizing. We just had a progressive dinner that everyone raved about. At least I know I'm doing some good there! Then I generally try to have something ready for dinner when my husband gets home, have the house clean before bed (I hate waking up to a dirty room. It makes me sad before the day even starts!) and take my daughter out to play for at least a few minutes every day. Phew! That was a lot to type! See. I'm busy. Oh, and my laptop on which I do all this amazingly busy stuff- I spilled water on it. So all my pictures and documents may never be retrieved. Pics will be added as soon as I get them downloaded onto this computer. Goal until then: realize that there is always someone who is busier than I am!

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